Notable Interviews
Governor Jim Douglas
Having served from January of 2003 to January of 2011, Governor Douglas was a prime guest to discuss the modern history of politics in the Green Mountain State.
Sen. Kesha Ram
As the first woman of color elected to the Vermont State Senate ever, former Representative Kesha Ram knows the ins-and-outs of VT State Government in more ways than several. Considering her natural leadership style, Hoop asks Ram to help him and his listeners make more clear their understanding of the events that took place in the United States Capitol on January 6th of 2021, by getting her candid reactions to the day.
Rep. Brian Cina
Sitting Legislator Brian Cina is one of the cherished ‘frequent-flyers’ blessing the Heat of the House through his residual guest visits. Cina can talk about most issues, for however long time might permit.